Autumn and Iris Photography

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Frey Family Maternity Session

"There is only one thing more precious than our time, and that is who we spend it on."

I love maternity sessions so, so much and I think these photos make it easy to see why. There is so much joy and excitement as a family awaits the arrival of a new little person. A new addition to their tribe. Adrienne, Gevin, and Adlie were so wonderful to photograph. You know how there's just some people that make you feel peaceful and content? That's this family. They are so full of love and life and they show it to each other through a million small actions and smiles. It's just who they are and I'm so glad I got to walk on this journey with them as their photographer. Since these photos were taken they've welcomed their new baby girl into the world and I'm looking forward to meeting her this weekend! Yay for growing families and making memories!